GovSpeak: “FRPP”

The Federal Real Property Profile (FRPP) is a comprehensive and descriptive database of “all real property under the custody and control of all executive branch agencies, except when otherwise required for reasons of national security, in accordance with Executive Order 13327.” It was created by that executive order, which was signed by President George W. Bush on February 4, 2004.  The FRPP is the single comprehensive inventory system that contains data on all federal real property assets within and outside the United States, including improvements on federal land.

Access to the FRPP is limited to federal government employees and, in certain cases, contractors who are supporting federal agencies in submitting data to the FRPP. An agency administrator within each agency must approve all new FRPP website accounts and controls users’ level of access. Each agency may see only its own data. Everyone, however, may read the Federal Real Property Summary Report—issued annually by the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC) and GSA—which can be accessed online from the GSA Real Property website.

While most agencies report their entire inventory annually (by December 15), as required by Federal Management Regulations (FMR) Part 102-84, Annual Real Property Inventories, the FRPP inventory system also allows agencies to update their inventory on a real-time basis. A recent GAO report criticized the FRPC for not following sound data collection practices in designing and maintaining the FRPP.